A few snapshots from the 1st Annual Oakley Derby of Doom.

A pirate ship flanked by filthy wenches. A bathtub and toilet on wheels. Aliens flying past Uranus. Even a mini-tank in homage to our very own Oakley 453 tank. This is how Soapbox Derby is done at Oakley. The Web department entered 2 vehicles, one of which almost bottomed-out on the jump and the other flipped upon descending the launching ramp. Fortunately, both managed to finish the race, but neither had very impressive times. All-in-all, a great very entertaining afternoon to end the week. The winning team will compete in the Red Bull Soapbox Race.

Here’s a shot of the winners with their car, “Fire in the Hole”

The trophy was designed by our ace 3D artist, Sean Reilly. Unfortunately, “Fire in the Hole” took home all 3 trophies so we don’t get to keep one of these in the web dept.

More pictures available in this Flickr set.

Ken Loh
Design, Photography, Car, Gadget, and Internet Nerd.

Teaser: Home office makeover begins.


Oscar Pistorious shows off his carbon fiber prosthetic leg.