I had an unhealthy obsession.
I collected toys for many years and now I don’t know what to do with them so I thought I’d sell some.
Help me reclaim some storage space by taking some of these off my hands.
Apparently, collecting and cataloging them wasn’t quite enough for me. I also wasted a fair amount of time photographing them on makeshift sets.

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The geekery didn't stop there. It seemed I was compelled to write about them from time to time, but I hung that up in 2014.
Read my posts about Toys
The Collection
I like toys. Always did, but never really had money as a kid so it wasn’t exactly easy to feed the obsession. I started collecting sometime in 1998 since that’s when I started working full time. Here’s the sad part: I stopped cataloging and taking pictures sometime around 2011, so there’s a bunch of new acquisitions that aren’t even represented here. In the meantime, you can see a sampling below.
Drop me a line if you're interested in anything that isn’t currently listed for sale.