Oakley Design Team 2’s Amphibious Cyborg Tank FTW!

We had a Design Team Building Event today at Laguna Beach, where VP of Design, Peter Yee gathered troops from the Product, Graphics, and Web Creative teams together to challenge our thinking and pit brains, brawn and creativity against each other.
Along with the group discussion, we were split up into 4 teams (mixed departments) and given 3 challenges:
- Sand Castles
- Beach Activities (Tug-o-war and other water + sand related things)
- Pictionary Death Match
I was a member of Team 2. Unfortunately, due to some previously scheduled meetings, I had to run back to the office and missed the Beach Activities Challenge. Probably a good thing though, since my back was completely worn out shoveling sand. Fortunately, I was able to participate in the other two.
We conceived of the following idea for our Sand Castle: A Mechanical Frog Tank. Of course, some Jupiter heritage merged with some Oakley military design. A great group effort here. A quick round of brainstorming and sketches, then we were off to dig, pack and sculpt. Didn’t take me long to realize this 41-year-old body couldn’t dig and drag big buckets of water very long. This is going to be a pain-filled weekend. I unfortunately didn’t get any pics of the final completed sculpture though since I had to split about 20 minutes before it was done.
Here’s our winning sand castle, in various stages of completion:
Some details worth noting: Gear on back. Cigar. Tracks leading out of the water. We also had some seaweed that was going to be used for “skin” and camouflage. Since I left early I’m not sure if that ever got done. Will just have to wait to see the final photos.
Team 2 also won Pictionary Death Match by a narrow margin of 8 to 7 over Team 3. By winning 2 out of 3 events, each member of Team 2 earned a paid half day off. I’m sure I won’t be taking advantage of that, but at least @DicksonFong will be able to. He was the only other Web team member on my team.
We don't do “regular” trophies at Oakley, so here’s some photos of the hand-sculpted ones made by non other than Oakley designers.
The Frog was awarded for the best Sand Castle, Pineapple Grenade for Beach Activities, and Winged Skull Torpedo for Pictionary Death Match. Team 2 will be sharing the Trophies, rotating them throughout everyone’s desks. Might be hard to secure time with them though…not sure anyone is gonna want to give them up ;)