Cool stop motion video unveiling Big Boss Robot from @giant_robot
I want one of these. Too bad I’m going out of town next weekend on business which means I can’t get to ComicCon.
Boy Animator
The boy is working on his latest animation. He's now doing all the work himself, including taking the photos and editing in iMovie. Finished video to come.

Here's a few videos of him shooting the bloopers. The first one cracks me up in the end since he gets all annoyed that I'm filming behind the scenes, LOL.
Teaser still from the boys' next animation featuring Revoltech
We didn't take as many frames this time so it's not going to be real smooth, but I like the way some of the photos turned out. Hopefully we'll have time to edit it this week – otherwise, it will be next weekend before it goes up.
The biggest effort animation by the boy to date
The boy does his next animation. This time he actually drew out a storyboard. Now he wants sound effects and birds flying around. I might be getting a little carried away here, but he’s having fun so that’s all that matters ;)
Here's a link to a related Flickr set
Kyle L. Street Magic :P
The boy saw some stop motion videos using real people so he wanted to try some out himself. He’s no David Blaine, but we had fun doing this anyways. Just a goofy way to spend an afternoon :D
This plays much smoother on my local computer Well, not exactly smooth – it’s stop motion afterall – but it doesn’t seem to pause like it does on Vimeo :(
The boy. Bakugan. Wire work.
Bakugan has replaced Yu-gi-oh! (which replacaed Pokemon) as my kids’ latest craze. The boy has now moved into wire work (sewing thread) in his animations, hehe.
The boy does animation in HD
There are photos of the production crew and a copy of the script on the Vimeo page