Ken Loh Ken Loh

Shrink-wrap FAIL. My May issue of BMWCCA Roundel came with a "few" extras.

I was a bit surprised to see a stack of magazines delivered this month shrink-wrapped along with my BMWCCA Roundel. I thought for a moment it might have been some special back issue promotion, but when I opened it I found:- 3 copies of People Style …

I was a bit surprised to see a stack of magazines delivered this month shrink-wrapped along with my BMWCCA Roundel. I thought for a moment it might have been some special back issue promotion, but when I opened it I found:

- 3 copies of People Style Watch
- 3 copies of This Old House
- 1 copy of MSDN Magazine

The Microsoft magazine was the dead giveaway it wasn't supposed to cone to me ;)

All of the magazines are addressed to other people who live in my city.

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Ken Loh Ken Loh

3D without the glasses. Hat tip to @progressiveone

This is hilarious, and has got to be a hoax of some sort. It's brilliantly done though. Over 2.8 million views in 4 days, and will probably get to 3 million before the day is done. I wonder when the site will be updated? 

I really want to know who is responsible for this since they are helping to make the case for why passive 3D glasses (like the ones we sell at Oakley and the ones being used in most movie theaters) are better than the active ones that are mostly being used in the home consumer electronics market today.

Hat tip to @progressiveone.

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Ken Loh Ken Loh

Dreamt that @oakley HQ was @darthvader’s minions’ new home. It was remodeled though so I couldn’t find the web team.

Cue Vader music. It was a weird dream for sure. They had removed the icon from the facade and replaced it with a long floating plank area where storm troopers were conducting some odd experiment with snow and rainbows in large life-sized glass snow globe-like enclosures.

As I walked around looking for my office, I kept running into unfamiliar obstacles. It felt like a Las Vegas hotel since there were dining establishments and rides everywhere. I eventually found some elevators but it took me to the wrong floor. When I turned to get back on the elevator I noticed a square O on one of the floor buttons so I pushed that one. Somehow I ended up stuck on an outside ledge, similar to the huge fan in our lobby (only smaller) and couldn't get back in. I held on for dear life until my brother helped me back in. O_o


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