I've been waiting for this toy forever. It finally came, but the black one I ordered along with it has not shipped yet. The boy helped me with this shoot but he wasn't happy about having to go to bed before we finished. He wants me to put a slideshow together to put on his iPod. He expects it done by the time he wakes up.
The boy, of course, wanted to transform it before I could even get a look at it.
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Morning conference call with Italy. Why are they sitting so close together when there is so much space?
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Since we were in the area after his haircut, I took the boy to check out the tank at work. I asked if he wanted to climb up on it. He said "no" O_o
And there's a few shots of him walking around the RC track in the back.
The boy played Need for Speed first, then Godzilla. Now he's getting his mop top chopped.
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This is what happens when you have back to back meetings every day. There just aren’t enough hours in the day.
Better footage of this to come…