Day 5: Waiting for Sommerrodelbahn to open.

Parking was really horrible around the hotel/castle area so we decided to leave Sommerrodelbahn for the next morning. We got there around 8:45, right after we took the car pic with the castle in the background, but the Sommerrodelbahn wasn't open until 10:00. I suggested we walk around and check out the other stuff around the area, which we did for about 10 minutes but the boy just wanted to wait...literally, by the gate...for about an hour. Yes, he was excited about this. Good thing I had my old iPhone loaded up with some games. He played Fast & The Furious.

Ken Loh
Design, Photography, Car, Gadget, and Internet Nerd.

Day 5: Driving notes. This car just screams speed.


Day 5: The boy narrates a video of me, almost eating it on Sommerrodelbahn. Enjoy.