It felt pretty secure when I stuck it on the nice flat surface behind my rearview mirror, but after driving for a few minutes, gravity and wiggling took it's toll. This was the result. A nice little chunk taken out of my center console when it decided to fall. Grrrrrr.
Finally got a chance to drive out to Blackstar Canyon Road to take some pics. I actually ran into @gstiehl cycling over there while shooting but I didn’t have the foresight to snap a pic of him.
The drive on Silverado Canyon was nice and scenic, but definitely not fast. I also finally used the GoPro I got for Christmas, but the videos are all quite boring.
Back in October these pics were posted to the Closed Room at and I meant to post them up but could never find the time. Pretty amazing-looking car and some nice photos to boot. If I didn’t already have my M3, I’d be all over this. I usually don’t like flashy colors on cars, but I’m lovin’ this Valencia Orange.
The other day, my oil needed topping off so I stopped by BMW of Beverly Hills on my way home from a conference to buy a quart of 10W 60. Since I was there, I asked the sales people when they were going to get a 1M in the showroom. They didn’t even know what I was talking about. Of all the BMW dealers out there, you’d think the guys in Beverly Hills would know all about this car, but they had no idea. Massive fail if you ask me.
I love the aggressive design on the air curtains and wide stance. Here’s some interior and engine shots:
And here’s the specs:
We sure have come a long way. Via the Huffington Post
This is hilarious, and has got to be a hoax of some sort. It's brilliantly done though. Over 2.8 million views in 4 days, and will probably get to 3 million before the day is done. I wonder when the site will be updated?
I really want to know who is responsible for this since they are helping to make the case for why passive 3D glasses (like the ones we sell at Oakley and the ones being used in most movie theaters) are better than the active ones that are mostly being used in the home consumer electronics market today.
Hat tip to @progressiveone.
Haven't shot with Hipstamatic in awhile so I figured I would. My only complaint is how you can't do the processing later. It takes too long between shots.