Proof that facial recognition in iPhoto is a bust.
Or Sailor Mercury…
Or his grandpa...
Let alone a bunch of other girls. There are several other images pulled into this set: A multitude of adults with with blonde or brown hair (or no hair at all), other kids from his soccer and flag football teams (both boys and girls of varying ethnicities), and even some of statues and other inanimate objects. It’s basically not doing anything at all.
What kills me is the other library that Faces works on is much bigger. Over 11k photos vs 5k. The only difference between the two is the resolution of the images and the source camera. The larger library is shot with various small point-and-shoots while the smaller library (the one that doesn’t work) is shot with a digital SLR (canon digital rebel). And, Faces takes FOREVER on the smaller library to pull the “may also be in” photos whereas the larger library is almost instant. Something just seems wrong with this equation.
Nice work, Apple. I love your company and pretty much all of your products, but this is just not worth the time to even bother using.